The Kalvarayan Hills, situated in the Eastern Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India, are a breathtaking natural wonder, with vibrant vegetation and unique fauna exclusive to the region. During the monsoon season, the hills transform into a lush wonderland, bursting with wildflowers and greenery, offering a front-row seat to the season of growth and rejuvenation. The hills are home to a diverse range of wildlife, including tigers, leopards, monkeys, and exotic birds, as well as a plethora of medicinal plants and herbs that have been used for centuries by local communities for their healing properties.
Beyond their natural beauty, the Kalvarayan Hills hold significant cultural and historical value. The area has been inhabited by various tribes, including the Irula, Malai Arayan, Paniyan, and Soliga, for centuries. These tribes primarily relied on hunting, fishing, and gathering wild fruits, nuts, and berries for their livelihoods. The Irula tribe, in particular, was known for their expertise in traditional medicine and tracking animals through the dense forest.
The history of the Kalvarayan Hills can be traced back to the time of Emperor Krishna Deverayar of the Vijaya Nagara Kingdom, when the native people of the hills were called Vedar. The Karalar community later invaded from Kanchipuram and settled in the hills, intermarrying with the Vedar community. The resulting mixed population, known as Malayali, refer to themselves as Goundars. The Kalvarayan Hills serve as a reminder of the delicate balance between humans and nature and the importance of preserving our planet’s natural resources for future generations.
Normally Monogamy is in practice among the Malayalis.Agriculture is the Main occupation in the Kalvaryan Hills. Millet varieties (ragi, varadu, samai, tinai, cholam, cumbu) are being cultivated and in some places paddy, pulses, chillies, red gram, groundnut, tobacco, mustard, and varieties of beans are also grown as secondary cultivation.
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